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Montaigne Studies
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       1590 (Ferrare)
1603 (Londres)
1613 (Londres)
1632 (Londres)
1633 (Venise) A
1633 (Venise) B
1634 (Venise)
1685-1686 (Londres)
1692 (Amsterdam) A
1692 (Amsterdam) B
1693 (Londres)
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1701 (Londres)
1711 (Londres)
1759 (Londres)
1776 (Londres)
1797 (Vienne & Prague)
1797 (Londres)
1811 (Londres)
1864 (Cambridge)
1902-1904 (Boston)
1923 (Londres)
1931 (Londres)
1934-1936 (New York)
1935 (Tokyo)

1811 (Londres)
Bibliotheca Desaniana : Montaigne
The // Essays // of // Michael de Montaigne, // translated into English, // with very considerable // amendments and improvements // from // the most accurate French Edition of // Peter Coste. // The Ninth Edition. // in three volumes. // vol. I. // London:// Printed for W. Miller, Albemarle Street; white and // Cochrane, Fleet Street; and Lackington, Allen, and // Co., Finsbury square; // By C. Baldwin, New Bridge-street. // 1811.

3 volumes in 4. Veau blond.

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